Hi everybody! My name is Maria Loreta De Nittis, Lory is fine too. Now I will tell you something about me, to know each other.
I live in Peschici and I manage family flats from 2002.
I was born in San Giovanni Rotondo on 06/01/1978, I lived in Peschici until I was 13 years old, and I moved with my family to Turin “Val Pelice”, to stay there until I was 18 years old, working in many places, learning to do many works, because I was accordant to do whatever.
Because of my work and passion, I moved to Medicina, where I worked in Malaguti. I worked there for 7 years: at the assembly, repair sector, and then quality office. I did it with pleasure, it was a good experience, but I still wanted to open a bar.
After 3 years, my love life didn’t go so well, and I decided to make a change in my life, and I bought a one room-flat in Imola, a wonderful city with which I am still joined.
Here I lived alone, I did tried many jobs to pay all my taxes; it was tiring, but I never gave up.
After 2 years and another finished love, I tried to buy a bar. I wanted to realize my dream, unlike my love life…
In an hotel where I worked, I met a man, who was a place owner in Castel D’ario, a place around Mantua, and after thinking about it, I dismissed my job as factory worker, to try to realize my dream…
I gave my flat as loan for use to a friend, except when I had to come back home because of the closing days. Before buying this place, I thought so much, that I decided to work inside there. I left with my cat “Lilli” and my Fiat Cinquecento. What I cannot say… I slept on the backside of this place, waiting to find a flat. I have usually taken a shower in a gym. It was definitely an adventure.
After 3 weeks, or more, although I knew many people, and I was pleased to be there, I thought it that was not a good affair. So, I began to see something else in Imola. After having seen many other things, I made my proposal, but they didn’t accepted. …Bar Valentino… I wanted that!
After leaving Castel D’Ario, and coming back to Imola, I began again to do many jobs: cleaning, bar, restaurants…whatever I could find. I needed to pay my loan, and to live also!!!
Then, one day I received that call…they wanted to sell the place at my conditions. After having bought it, and another loan to pay, when I was 23 years old I realized my dream, I was really touched.
After many modifications, I called this place “Cafè Solaire”. I feel mine that name, because I love smiling, and people often told me I was a sunny person. I had my bar for 6 years, managed with love and sacrifice.
….thousands bar stories to have time to tell...
Time goes by so fast, day by day, and with my friends I decided to go to Sardinia for holiday. In September I met a new love. I was tired of my bar, and I wanted to change my life again, I decided to sell it and to live in Milano province, in “Brianza”, to marry and study as beautician to stay better with my boyfriend, because he was an aesthetic doctor. Everything went wrong!
In my life I did always everything following my beliefs, after having learned a new job (beautician in fact), I broke with my boyfriend after 7 years together, and fortunately not married!!
I was again alone and sad because of love…
After a trip, where I met a person, I knew to be pregnant…
The greatest wish of my life, but not with a person that was special for me…
I decided to continue the pregnancy alone, I worked until the last day. Fortunately I continued a great pregnancy!!!
On 16/08/2011 Matthew was born, cute…finally the love of my life!! Now I am happy and I feel totally Woman..
I live in Peschici, I don’t know if I will stay here, I love travelling, I love being a mother, I do wind surf, and I don’t know what else can give me the life…
I hope you didn’t get bored!!!
It will be a pleasure know you, and I hope to be nice for you. The secret of life is “always smiling!”
The manager of the apartments...
Her secret? Her love to her country...
Best regards by Lory and Matthew De Nittis Family

By Simona
"L\'ideale per chi vuole godersi il mare a due passi. Posizione splendida ed arieggiata. È il quarto anno che veniamo qui da Lory. Una garanzia! "